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Sinobakr Ultrasonic Technology Co., LTD.----------Let industrial cleaning easier.

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  • Contact:Angelia chang

  • Whatsapp:+86-15552898913

  • Skyppe:sinobakr

  • Address: No. 5576 Lingang North road, Hi-tech industrial development zone, Jinan City, Shandong province,CHINA
  • Position: Home>Solution

    Precision electronic solutions

    Author:admin Views:1038 Source:本站 Time:2021-11-03 14:19:55


    (Relay, connectors, terminals, shrapnel, etc parts cleaning solution) Clean pain points:1, white oil, trichloroethylene is strictly prohibited by the state, trichloroethylene easy cause employees occupational disease, endanger human body health.2, safety production: white ele

      (Relay, connectors, terminals, shrapnel, etc parts cleaning solution)



    Clean pain points:

    1, white oil, trichloroethylene is strictly prohibited by the state, trichloroethylene easy cause employees occupational disease, endanger human body health.

    2, safety production: white electric oil cleaning use unsafe;

    3, the quality is not done: after cleaning products used yellow, oxidation, short service life.

    4, the process is not stable, in the process of cleaning products easily scratched.

    Electronic parts cleaning solution

    Through the delete selected for use in electronic parts clean environmental protection hydrocarbon cleaning agent, help enterprise replacing the detergent, the original cleaning process.

    -- product substitution

    Electronic components for hydrocarbon cleaner alternative trichloroethylene, methylene chloride,, white electric oil, water-based cleaning agent, ascension process.

    According to customer's different parts cleaning, providing custom and efficient cleaning process.

    The value of -- brings to the customer

    1, effective alternative trichloroethylene, white oil, conform to the requirements of the state environmental protection cleaning, cleaning operation staff to use more secure;

    2, zero emission, environmental pollution, no waste water treatment of sorrow;

    3, the quality is stable, volatile thoroughly after cleaning, no residue, surface of cleaning rust corrosion, discoloration, damage such as base material phenomenon;

    4, process stability, improving the quality of cleaning;

    5, long service life of the product.

    More detailed scheme is introduced,whatsapp:  +86-18653119379


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